OANDA:XCUUSD   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างทองแดง (ดอลล่าร์สหรัฐฯ / ปอนด์)
Good morning Traders!
Copper could develop some interesting swing in short to medium term, having said that, if the price action will confirms the first bullish rally, it is possible to try to take a long position on pullback as shown on the daily chart. With this in mind, even if the TARGET seems very interesting from the BUY AREA OPPORTUNITY, the Money Management is not very good (we will have a R/R ratio <1: 3), so it should be correct to use a reduced size for this setup. During the next sessions we will continue to follow the copper, because at the moment the levels shown on the chart are only indicative.

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Analysis made with 💝
By Anonymous Banker
A TradingView Fan since 2015



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