so i am posting this just as a reminder of how shocked everyone has been the past 2 halvings when Bitcoin first proceded to go from 12$ to 690$ and then from 660$ to 20,000$... Now simple economics makes it hard to fathom a market cap in the trillions but then again, look at the market cap of gold and it is much more plentiful than Bitcoin... so, just because we had never seen a 4 digit bitcoin in 2012 everyone thought it to be ludicrous and impossible and most thought the same about a FIVE digit Bitcoin Price and now people think the same about 6 and 7 digit price points but the fact remains that there are way more gold bars in the world so to think that Bitcoin cannot gain incredible, mind blowing value is to blatantly ignore history and hard factual numbers that have repeated. 2017 was not the first or largest bull run bitcoin has experienced i am fairly certain a nickel to 1200$ in 2013 was a bigger whaaa whooo! for a lot of people (a few super nerds that i know went from dirty broke bummin to winter summer house ferrari hummin!) so I IMPLORE EVERYONE TO STUDY THE HISTORY OF HALVINGS EFFECT OF BITCOIN SUPPLY, THE FACT THAT MINING HAS BECOME EVER MORE EXPENSIVE AND THE REWARD IS ABOUT TO GET CUT IN HALF ON TOP OF ALL THAT! so something more elusive than diamonds and gold is about to become 4 times more costly to "find" or mine and I would bet my left testicle we see SIX figure bitcoins in the years to follow... I do not know when or what obstacles will slow or speed up this insanity but I do believe that Bitcoins are measured in tiny units of "Satoshis" for this exact reason... there is a reason why a satoshi is 1/millionth of a bitcoin... and i believe that reason is the need for their to be a single dollar denomination of bitcoin (this is my own opinion, based on my experience with friends mining bitcoin in early 2010 and watching their lives transform in ways no one ever saw coming) we used to laugh and joke about bitcoin being worth 20$ one day and how crazy that would be... lol... so in that context how crazy does a 1/4 million sound??? just food for thought. Happy trading! obviously this is a super long overview without nearly enough context but i encourage all to look at the price movement in previous halvings and how earily similar they both are, including our current movements bearing almost identical changes in price.. #READ #LEARN #EARN!