
Looking Forward to this Beautiful Golden Cross in February

KRAKEN:BTCUSD   บิทคอยน์
If the Bitcoin price keeps moving up, or even just sideways, I'm looking for this beautiful Golden Cross to be printed in February (defined here as the 50 Daily SMA crossing above the 200 Daily SMA).

This phenomenon carries a lot of weight in the Bitcoin market and is extremely bullish.

We already saw the 1 year MA cross the 2 year MA, so this is just the next in line of bullish confirmations I'm looking at.

Bitcoin's rocket thrusters seem to be heating up!

I hope this helps you on your journey as a trader.

Peace, Love, & Crypto,

"You didn't come here to make a choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it."
―The Oracle



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