Long at 8350?

BTC Update

Bitcoin briefly broke the 8800 level in the previous session before retracing to the 8580 level.

From a technical point of view, the daily situation remains positive for the moment but on a 4 hour horizon, the indicators have already given a sales signal.

On a 1 hour horizon, the technical indicators show signs of bullish curves, so a retest of the 8800s is not impossible.

Trends follower? 📊

Let's take a look at Hendo's trend follower indicator, which remains positive on a daily horizon, 4h and also 1h. This indicator allows us to determine a bias and in this case it is bullish.

What can we do? 🤔

As long as the trend follower remains bullish, we will try to open long positions rather than short positions.

There are two possible entries, the 8350-8400 zone and the 8200-8275 zone.

The Trend follower is available for all our member guys!



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