
Bitcoin (BTCUSD) Quick Update. USDT used to prop up price again.

HD1184K ที่อัปเดต:   
In my last idea I called for a bearish long term move, which happened, and the short term bullish move reached my targets. The natural staircase down coincides with the lack of USDT movement, and now that wallets are active again, expect the market to move in huge fast bart patterns.

I currently do not hold anything other than a 1x short, but I am confident Bitcoin will not drop past 3250 before a move upwards. I will be buying near that area.

Currently price is being supported by huge walls on exchanges such as Bitfinex and Bitstamp.

I believe short term price will go up.

Thanks for viewing!
ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการทำกำไร:
As expected price did consolidate which allowed me to do a bunch of smaller scalps.

New idea is posted! Please view.



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