
Bitcoin (BTC) - 7757~7939 is a strong resistance section

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You need to make sure you can get support above point 7757.
You should also ensure that support is available at point 7757 after the time indicated on the chart.
First of all, we need to see if we can rise along the short-term uptrend line (1).
In addition, you should also check for support at 500EMA and the downtrend line (2).

To rise further, you must be supported by 500 EMA or the downtrend line (2).

If you fall from the 500 EMA or the downtrend line (2), I think you can expect further gains by getting support from the 100 EMA or the short-term downtrend line (3).

It is a 7435 point that is not much different from the current location, but I think it is a dangerous point in the current situation.
Therefore, if it goes down to 7299 ~ 7435, I think it is necessary to trade to preserve profits and losses.
I think that.

The 7757 point has long been marked as a resistance point.
I think it is such a difficult section.

Point 7939 is the market location where it began to drop sharply on March 12th.
I think this is also a difficult point.


Now, I think it's time to think about how to respond to profits or losses in the future rather than to determine whether they are profitable or lost.

Bitcoin Halving has about 15 days left.

I think that all situations are putting pressure on the coin market, so the expectation of the rise has decreased a lot.

At the moment, I think it is more important to trade according to the flow of the chart than the words of any article or analyst.

I don't think the target point is important.


See support, resistance, and abbreviation points.

It's time to focus on selling rather than buying to preserve profits.


Description of abbreviations shown in chart
R: Resistance point or section, where a counter is needed to preserve revenue
S-L: Stop-Loss point or section
S: A point or section that can be purchased for profit generation as a support point or section
After touching point 2.86, I think movement is important.
Bitcoin Halving has about 15 days left.
After Bitcoin Halving, everyone thinks that the price of coins will drop.
I think that May 7 will be the last time Bitcoin Halving is applied.

[Example of exchange chart setup]



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