Hey everyone! Some interesting analysis i decided to publish let me know what you think about it!
History repeats itself and that can definitely be said for Bitcoin. Using the price range tool we can
see that from between March 25th 2017 - June 11th 2017 there was a 251% move UP. Now taking that
information and applying it to our more recent price action we can also see March 25th 2019 - June 26th 2019
we had a 251% move UP. Not only that but the sell off we recently experienced is nearly the same about a 4%
difference but if we go to 8500 then it would be identically the same at 39%. The question is who is really in control
of Bitcoin's price? is it a group of whales just following the price swings we experienced back in the early part of 2017?
Or is it controlled by one single entity, maybe an exchange or maybe even Satoshi Nakamoto who presses a Button and
DUMPS or PUMPS as he chooses. It's hard to say but if you ask me i would be leaning on the side of one single entity
RUNNING the price of Bitcoin Satoshi himself! YES of course you are going to have price swings caused by retail investors
i am not saying that has nothing to do with it but what i am saying is for this to move in an identical fashion like it has time
and time again it would seem to me that it is PRE PLANNED PRICE ACTION controlled by someone or something. makes you wonder......
Thanks everyone, LiquidMEX
DISCLAIMER:!!!This is not to be considered financial advice is my personal opinion, always do your own research before entering or exiting trades as i will not be held liable for any of your trades!!!