
How to deal with Bitcoin's L-shaped trend

Bitcoin went off the table on the 19th after diving. I call it the L-type, which is a very common form, which I have written about before.
For this form, how to interpret the post-market? There are three movements of high probability:
1, secondary bottoming, the formation of a short cycle of bottom divergence;
2, rebound, draw the door;
3, continued decline
At present we see 4 charts, in addition to the current trend, the other three are similar trends at different historical stages
Top right, and the current form is most similar, are cliff-like diving, fell below the short moving average after the cross-section, after the emergence of a sustained decline in the market
Bottom left, the same is the top diver, the same cliff diving, the same horizontal trend, and then out of the second bottom, in the short minute after the formation of bottom diverge after a rebound trend
Bottom right, after the cliff dive, there is a trend of painting doors
Three movements, an important reference basis, are whether the long moving average falls below and whether it can form a short-score divergence. If you do not fall below the long moving average, the probability of rebound is large, if the fall does not appear after the continuous decline, but the formation of bottom divergence, is also a relatively ideal trend, the worst is the third, below the long moving average, and no divergence.
But no matter what the trend, the first thing to solve here is to open a position, if you hold a position now, face a two-thirds decline opportunity, only one-third is a rebound, so the risk is greater.
Suggestion: If the spot, keep the lowest position, the day before yesterday my strategy has been reduced to 20% or less positions, if short positions, can wait to break through the short moving average, the formation of a long trend after the addition of positions.


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