
Time for Silver to outperform

ridethepig ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAUXAG   Gold/Silver
Here we can see that the market has reached the requirements for a 5th wave since the lows at the beginning of the year. It also came very close to the Vth target from the entire wave over the decade.

If the thesis is correct, we are able to make a case that Silver will outperform over the coming Months and Quarters. Here looking to play the move in mid-term portfolios as the move will be complex and difficult to trade on the short-term. To the downside, the next levels in play in the large correction are 77.6 and 68.6.

Be wary of any signs that we put a material top in here, the scope to the downside is very attractive.
Silver looking very impulsive, we are going to get some large moves here...
First targets in Silver cleared


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