**Market Review : August 31th, News ADP US Session Negatif, GOLD is Going Up To 1720-1721**
Range Trading : 1715- 1713
Outlook : Negatif (Strong Sell)
Resitance : 1725 | 1729 - 1732 |
Support : 1706 | 1701 - 1699 |
Trendline : Bearish (Weekly & Daily)
**Trading Signal : Domination Sell Position**
1. Sell if Break 1705 - 1703, Target 1701 - 1699
2. Sell on Streng Area 1715- 1713, Target 1701 - 1699, SL 1720
**Alternative Other Scenario :**
1. Buy if Break 1720 - 1722, Target 1725 | 1729 - 1732
2. Buy if Touch Support 2 and Confirmation Falsebreak Candle Stick (High Risk) Please Using Money Management
**Trading Methods :**
1. Scalping : 30 - 50 pips
2. Swing Intraday : 50 - 100 pips
**News Today**
1. US, 07.30 PM - Initial Jobs Claims | Unit Labour Coast
2. US, 09.00 PM - ISM Manufacturing
**Disclaimer ON Brother**
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