
Does gold shape the head and shoulders?🤔

RocketBomb ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Guys, yesterday the situation was very ambiguous.🤔

📈 At first I drew a graph of the price hike up, then I wiped everything away, succumbing to the mood of the market.📉 And I really regretted it.😒

🔥Always be guided by your knowledge and ONLY YOUR vision of the market.🔥

It's only correct. 🚩And if you make a mistake, this is YOUR MISTAKE.🚩

☝🏻This is not so insulting than making someone else’s mistake, because you won’t scold yourself, and it’s always easier for others))) I hope you understood me🧐

For gold, I expect a fall in prices in the near future.📉

I'm interested in your opinion. How do you see the future of gold.☝🏻
✍🏻Write about this in the comments.

Stay in touch😍🥰

See U soon❤💋
Your Rocket Bomb🚀💣
Stop for now!!!!⛔Gold goes UP now!!
I hope U had a SL!


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