ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ

RIGHT NOW #144, 2700 AND 2653

This continues directly from #143, but some notes first:
1. so price broke out of that red line
2. and is in position to move up to 2695-2700
3. but we don't really have a confirmed black line
4. because this thing can stall a bit longer
5. and also the first move to 2663 may get sold
6. don't know where that check might be
7. so the bold line in chart above is an estimate
8. this line is important because it should get hit...
9. 3-5 more times before the sell off tomorrow
10. this stalling has also tightened short term trends
11. so much that the sell off tomorrow is starting to look like 45+
12. meaning the floor is about 2653-ish
13. BTW, in chart at top, the circles are where price is likely to re-tag black line
14) 9:35 PM ... so this is WAY OUT OF LINE!
15) we need to see an aggressive bullish correction
16) or something is f********** wrong!
17) 9:45, I noted danger bc this setup is super bullish
18) and that drop should not happen...
19) the odds are soooooo against it
20) which means one of two things
a) that's wash out and we get a hard move up here
b) something is f********* wrong!
c) I have no answers if this drops under 56 and stays there
21) this changes the pattern considerably
22) so be aware
23) I gotta go, you guys on your own
24) overall, price is still heading for 2693
25) but this wrinkle 55 checkdown has turned on daily 2-way vol
26) so be prepared for zig zag on the way up, BUT ULITMATELY UP
27) not sure this setup can maintain the speed
28) the average trend map now shows 2693 after London opens
10:40, there is hard compression at 2666.5
a) it's not going to break for another 4-5 hours
b) good night
11:09, that move to 2670, even though it got rejected
1) helped cut down the compression time
2) now looking like LESS THAN 2 HOURS
12:27, so obviously chart at top won't help you
1) I'm not going to help either
2) this type of move reminds me of this idiot that wanted me to continuously update
3) all the time, but for free
4) yeah...
5) that's not going to happen
6) continuing in chart above, weekly traders just do not believe that price should....
7) go into the next channel directly
8) and they would be correct most of the time
9) except this time
10) they can sell the entire week
11) and a buyer will show up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
12) until the weekly selling is exhausted next Monday 9/30
13) in which you will be right back here at 2660
14) making the following week look like this:
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง
09/25/2024 -- You know what I never understood?
1. If you have "traded" for sometime and have enough experience.
2. You know TradingView is the best for everything you'd ever want.
3. With few exceptions in which it's apparent they'll soon dominate.
4. But what I don't get it is this:
>>>a) I know my material is imperfect
>>>b) but when it comes to pure trend forecasting
>>>c) I do pretty damn well vs the entire field
>>>d) especially when I do it around the clock
>>>e) but how many people do you know do that type of thing?
>>>f) I don't know any one else who do
>>>g) and I don't know how you do what you do
>>>h) but you have to admit I see some things you don't see
>>>i) and I see it early (yes, sometimes too early)
>>>h) but WITHOUT A DOUBT I deliver on a regular basis
5. I have always thought that you would want to offer something like this.
6. At least TradingView should corner the market with this for cheap.
7. I know of no one else that can even claim they do this type of thing.
8. But they never seemed interested and in fact seem to be hostile to it.
9. Why though, really why? I don't get why they would be hostile to this.
10. Even people who hate me and disagree with me at least respect me.
11. If only bc they understand I do the part that they do not do well.
12. Does it not make sense to you that what I do belong on a place like this?
13. In the beginning, I thought for sure they would want to offer this.
14. TradingView is "the one stop shop" for everything trading related.
15. Yet, I am still under this shadow ban bc I was trying to get the word out.
16. To convince the world that "technical analysis" could be improved.
17. Have I not proven that? I think it is fair to say I have several times.
18. For the people that agreed an asked me to continue...
19. I really tried to get the word out, build demand, make it sustainable.
20. Twenty people asked me last week pay for the continuous analysis.
21. I can not continue on this model because the demand is not sustainable.
22. I had cut costs 70% but it still was not enough for the average person.
23. When the subsidies ran out, I can not afford to keep going.
24. So I want you to understand I simply ran out of options to continue.
25. I tried everything I could but cannot cross the finish line with this idea.
26. In my very humbled opinion, it just was not meant to be.
27. And I do not have the resources to "bring this product to market".
28. So thank you all for your support, but this is the end.
29. Have a good one and thank you for reading my material.
30. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
FWIW, here is the problem with the next 80 hours:
