HEADER - If the signal holds true for next 60 hours. It should play like this.
SUMMARY - Get long and stay long. Taper in today (5/10), tomorrow, and Thursday.
DETAILS - Links for 20E & 20F below.
NOTES - As it stands, top should be 2090-2140 on 05/25.
8:49 AM ET TUESDAY 1862, nothing happened since I posted piece 6 hours ago
1. I'm in for my second entry 2. first box is not going to hit, but all going to plan 3. if and when I have a new route charted, I will post immediately
10:55 AM ET, 3RD ENTRTY 1845, new relative low
1. I am splitting 7 equal entries for this one 2. 3rd entry was 1845 3. I have conviction we are less than 48 hours from breaking up
4. to be clear, instead of entry-ing 10-20-30-40 = 100 5. I did 10-20-10=40, then will do 15-15-15-15=60
12:32 AM ET
1. looks like it wants to tag 1815-1820 in 20 hours or less 2. that should be it for the move down if it gets there
3. so? I don't know if it will or not 4. but I'll keep buying every 10 pts down from 1835, 1825, 1815 5. that's all for now
4.15 PM ET
1. 4th entry 1836.5 minutes ago, 15% 2. this sell off brings us back to 20E 3. doesnt change my conviction of May rally BUT 4. no more entries for another 40 hours or so
1. All this feels so wrong 2. I am tactically short until 7 AM ET tomorrow
3. I have straddle on 1840 for 5/20 4. the move today has the regressions short term neutral/bearish 5. this implies odds of 1765 this week, I can't disprove it 6. I also can't disprove all the intermediate-long painting NEW ATH end of May 7. one of these two things should happen 90% of the time 8. so the 8-trading day hi-lo is 1760-1920, it is 1839 right now