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Gold Near 1890 Support:
When people refer to gold being "near 1890 support," they are likely talking about a technical analysis concept. In technical analysis, support is a price level at which a financial instrument (in this case, gold) has historically had difficulty falling below. If the price of gold is approaching the 1890 level, it means that historically, whenever the price has neared this point in the past, it has often reversed direction and started rising again.
Investors and traders watch these support levels closely because they can indicate potential buying opportunities. If the price of gold approaches 1890 and holds above it, some market participants might see this as a sign that the price is likely to bounce back up. This can lead to increased buying activity, which could help push the price higher.

Gold Near 1850:
Similarly, if the price of gold is near the 1850 level, it could also be considered a support level. Traders might observe historical price patterns and see that 1850 has acted as a point where the price tends to find support and reverse direction.
It's important to note that support and resistance levels in technical analysis are not guarantees. While they can influence market behaviour, they can also be broken if there's a strong enough catalyst. Economic data releases, geopolitical events, changes in market sentiment, or shifts in central bank policies can all potentially lead to price movements that break through these levels.

When interpreting these support levels, it's a good idea to consider other factors as well. Fundamental analysis, which looks at the underlying economic and geopolitical factors influencing the market, can provide a broader context for understanding price movements.

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