
Update the latest gold price today ( 29/9 )

Selena_Paul ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Are you curious about how the market is fluctuating today? Let's find out with Selena!

Today, gold is experiencing a slight rebound after days of decline. The price is currently recovering by 0.36% and trading at $1872. This is the only session where the price has increased, marking the end of trading for this week.
However, negative information from the market and the continued strength of the USD are still weighing down on precious metals. Additionally, the indicators on the 4-hour chart are showing a downward trend.

Gold may recover, but it is likely to return to its previous decline unless there are significant positive developments in the market that support this precious metal.
good luck everyone
Fears that the Fed's drastic stance will push the economy into recession will support gold prices to increase. However, the timing of gold price increases will depend greatly on upcoming US economic data.

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