
The downward trend of gold is obvious, you know what to do

freddeal ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ

At present, the K-line rebound continues to be pressed down, and at the same time, the K-line also closes the upper shadow line. This is a nightmare for bulls. The 50-day moving average is running upwards and the pause button is pressed again. At the same time, it strongly reverses downwards, and the big negative line directly breaks through. In the basement, the flood is currently being discharged. It is obvious that the situation cannot be stopped. The 1927 bet is empty.

Operation strategy: short gold at 1927, stop loss at 1935, target at 1907

Simple drawings and easy-to-understand words will help you understand quickly
Gold will continue to fall after a brief adjustment
Gold is weak today, but we still have profits

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