
Intra day Clone Levels for Aug 16th 2018

GcNaif ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
After 2 straight big short days, i will be very cautious with shorts with tight stop loss. Today's plan is to short this at 2 areas. The First one will be 1179.5 area with stop loss around 1184 and targets 1172/1166/1161
Second One: close below 1166 for small target of 1161 as first and rest open targets.

Clone Levels:
down side: 1179.5-1172-1166-1161
Upside: 1183-1188

Note: This is not a trading advice , please do your own due diligence before placing the trade.
Still in this short trade, stop loss did not get hit yet .
it took a while to get to the first tp 1172
sorry forgot to update. this one is not valid anymore.

I am a Chart Slave.Thank you TradingView and @nmike.

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