Hello my friends, today I want to talk with you about Gold.
As you can see now price already ended 5th waves impulse.
5th wave was rising wedge (bearish pattern) and this gives chances that price will fall.
Impulse was from 1680 to 1805 USD and gold price bounced from resistance area.
Price have chances to re-test a resistance area and this will be good entry point in short.
For now I can indicate 1st target for short and this will be zone around level 1755 USD.
I think price can go even lower than 1755 so I will update gold idea soon.
So be ready for such scenario.
This is an article, not financial advice, always do your own research.
If you have any questions, you can write it in comments below, and I will answer them.
And please don't forget to support this idea with your like and comment, thank you.
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