
XAUUSD major correction coming!

EmptyEternity ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAUUSD   ทองคำ / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
Double top on the hourly - we are about to see this get smashed down. Please read my updates on my last XAUUSD call - links to everything can be found there. But to sum up - Volatility skew flashing like it did the day before the dot com burst, Market melt up for Apple and Tesla all shows that gold will be going down from here. Also, there are so many bulls in the comments and the ideas section - just ripe for the slaying by Big Money. Sentiment in gold and silver need to reset to see more ATH.
When the market crashes, people go to cash, pushing up the dollar and smashing gold down...
1 year gold chart

1 year S&P 500 chart - notice the March correction, how gold went down with it? This will happen again I suspect...

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