
2 many miss the silver lining bec. they r expecting GOLD

dchua1969 ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAGUSD   เงิน/ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
I admit I love silver more than gold , how about you?

Silver is like an underdog , getting its due mention because of Gold. Somehow, people will talk about Gold first then think of Silver. Perhaps, it is for this opposing view that I bought my own silver coins years back.

Currently, the 1H chart is displaying a nice breakout and if it is genuine, then this will be a good place to accumulate/buy before the train leaves .........

praise lord, up 2% now
What a disappointment, isn't it ? The market is expecting Gold and Silver to go higher but both failed to do that. Now, Silver must not goes below 26 support level....



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