Silver, possible retraction
On the daily basis, the CM_laguerre indicator indicates
which is an imminent retreat.
Considering, however, that the medium-long cycle
is long, the retreat should not fall under the first support
S1 to 16,864
XiNiaN 4 - Trading System - V. 2.9.1 - Medium / Long Term Period - (Time Frame: 1 H)
SILVER SIU17 - Sep '17
LONG from 08/08/2017 to 16.240
Flat Under 16,612
SHORT Under 16,149
Stop SHORT that close daily> 16,057
SILVER SIU17 - Sep '17
CROC X1 - Supports / Resistors - Multiday (TF - 1H)
R3 = 17372
R2 = 17,329
R1 = 17,174
PIVOT = 17,019
S1 = 16,864
S2 = 16,815
S3 = 16,459
CROC X3 - Last Signal (Long Term - TF 1D)
LONG from 16,715
Since 23/08/2017
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