
XAGUSD - SELL (Short) Trading Signal - Intraday

Lionheart-EWA ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:XAGUSD   เงิน/ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
I caught the bullish rally, even continued it after.

Bottom call:


Now I'm turning bearish on XAGUSD.

XAGUSD - SELL (Short) Trading Signal - Intraday

Entry @ Market Price (approx. 17.30)
SL @ 17.65
TP @ 16.80 / 16.50 / 16.15 / 15.80 / 15.50 / 15.25 / 15.00


As always,
Many pips ahead!

*More details about me in my signature.

P.S. Please support me with a like if you think I deserve it, thanks.
"Chicken-shit" feeling coming up!

I am getting weary of this short on XAG.
This is because the swing on the up-side could pass as the start of a bullish extension , and I am cautious at these times.
I banked good on the bullish impulse. Now, honestly, I can afford to take this loss if it comes, but wanted to give you guys a heads-up.
If it spikes on the up-side, then it's gonna go in a rally again, and I will return towards the bullish side for one more impulse before the bigger contraction.
If it drops on it's face, then I'm on track.
What can I say, trading is risky, no matter what the strategy is.
Partial profit taken!

SL moved to BE.

Structure appears to become more complex.

Went long at the fibs.


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