Term : Short / Mid ( Depending on the Total Market Volume )
Invest : 10% or more of Your Portfolio
Fundamental / In-Depth Analysis :
An evaluation of the product's potential within the industry
Size of Market: Wings is a basic crowdfunding and prediction service based on Ethereum - small market Current Competition: Other token release tools exist, such as ARK, none in the exact niche of funding and predictions Value Proposition: Allows safe and incentivized crowdfunding of ICO's Feasibility: Technologically easy but adoption from ICO's could be difficult, given that traditional ICO's are still the most popular option
Idea Score = 14%
An evaluation of the team's competence and potential
Overall Team: Small team found only on the ANN on BitcoinTalk Background: Serial entrepreneurs but no huge prior successes Coherence: Good number of devs, but lacking business development and marketing Abilities: Lacking some developer talent, no significant education, no entrepreneurial home-runs
Team Score = 12%
An evaluation of the team's past accomplishments and future goals
Roadmap Status: No up-to-date roadmap exists Code Repository: Very little activity, core platform not open sourced Current Product: Working crowdfunding and predictions platform Adoption: Used by a few ICO's, but not the go-to choice