1) My algo's buy signals are 135-0 on it since 2018
2) The average gain is 2.45% in 9 days, with the majority of trades closing in 1 trading day.
3) Its average daily return for me is .27% - almost 7x the average daily return of the S&P
4) NICE uptrend
5) Good support nearby
I rest my case. Argue with me if you must.
Per my usual strategy, once I'm in I'll add at the close on any day it is still oversold and I will use FPC (first profitable close) to exit any lot on the day it closes at any profit.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hopefully, this will give me even more to be thankful for very soon!
As always - this is intended as "edutainment" and my perspective on what I am or would be doing, not a recommendation for you to buy or sell. Act accordingly and invest at your own risk. DYOR and only make investments that make good financial sense for you in your current situation.