
VRA/USDT - Price discovery soon

yas_btc_eth ที่อัปเดต:   
KUCOIN:VRAUSDT   Verasity / Tether
If you haven't heard of Verasity yet, I highly recommend you check it out. This project has very sound fundamentals and is progressively going up. It should be a great Q4 token to hold.

As always, manage your risk and put SL's in place accordingly.
Wow guys I really thought we'll stay under $0.50 for the month of October or until 20th October at least. We broke ATH already and are retesting it. VRA looking mega bullish right now. $0.0558 is a great re-entry with a SL around $0.043. Generally my stop losses are super tight but I don't really see VRA being bad as a mid term hold hence my extremely loose SL.


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