CBOE:VIX   ดัชนีความผันผวน เอส&พี 500
VIX - S&P 500 Volatility Index - (October 9th-14th 2020)
Just an idea about our beloved VIX going down over the next week or so. Big moves in S&P to be made this week? Bloodbath could still be around the corner... It is the month of Halloween after all... ;)

Low: ~23.64-24%
High: 27.05%

Could get crazy with the election inbound...

Thanks for tuning in :) Disclaimer, I am not responsible for any losses incurred while attempting to use my data, I hope this can prove to be some sort of learning tool for some and give insight as to how I personally come up with my own numbers. Take into full consideration this could be a completely bad forecast. Cheers

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