TVC:USOIL   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างน้ำมันดิบ WTI
**Monthly Chart**
Last month's candle closed Bullish suggesting the trend to continue moving higher towards testing MC level of Oct 2023 at around 90 level.

**Weekly Chart**
The Weekly Chart shows that USOil is in the long-term range between a High of 93 and a low of 68 levels. Last week candle also closed bullish suggesting a continuation of the bullish wave to the upside. The weekly up-wave started after bouncing from the weekly ring low candle of 11th Dec 2023.

**Daily Chart**
USOil is moving higher and needs to break the liquidity pool (IPA) near 81 level in order to continue moving higher.

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