
WTI Crude Oil 4H Oil midday update

Evar_Mayi ที่อัปเดต:   
TVC:USOIL   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างน้ำมันดิบ WTI

Oil price resumes its positive trading now, confirming the continued dominance of the upward trend during the coming sessions, and the way is open to achieving our first target at 92.19
stabilizing above 90.43 ill support rising to touch 92.19 then 93.27 then 95.07

stabilizing under 90.43 will support falling to touch 88.73 the 87.64

Pivot Price: 90.43
Resistance prices: 92.19 & 93.27 & 95.07
Support prices: 88.73& 87.64& 86.08
timeframe: 4H

The general trend expected for today: bullish
it moves as we predicted


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