TVC:USOIL   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างน้ำมันดิบ WTI
hello traders here is buy set up for USOIL
fundamentally speaking :
The world will return to more normal consumer behavior this year, and a continued recovery in economies is set to contribute to rising oil consumption in 2021 as the year progresses. EIA expects in its January Short-Term Energy Outlook that global liquid fuels consumption will grow by 5.6 million bpd this year, or by 6 percent compared to 2020, and rise by another 3.3 million bpd in 2022.
The United States will contribute with a 1.4 million bpd consumption increase to the growth in 2021, the EIA forecasts.
on the other hand the technical levels are also showing bullish scenario price is trending above THE 50&200 moving avarages
look for buying opportunities as long as 52.10 is your support



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