
USDJPY looking very vulnerable under 113, potential crash to 109

UnknownUnicorn1616991 ที่อัปเดต:   
FX_IDC:USDJPY   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / เยนญี่ปุ่น
This is very weird pattern / wave but I have traded such crazy waves in the past. It can happen if there is a really bad news coming in next few days. USDJPY can close the year under 110 and spend most of the 2018 under 110 if this so happen.
USDJPY is still vulnerable and the there is another bearish wave inside 1HR chart... targets still remain below 111. Fresh shorts can be opened at 113 with stop at 113.5
ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการทำกำไร:
This trade was well done... closed at 109

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