
USD/JPY pulls back from 11-month high near 149.50

DNA_BrianTrading ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:USDJPY   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / เยนญี่ปุ่น
Brian, hello everyone!

USDJPY continues to rise today, operating around the 149.36 area, which is a new high since breaking resistance at 147.7. This currency pair maintains its position within an upward channel, with clear signs of upward momentum indicated by the EMA 34 and 89 along with the RSI.

The next prediction is that USDJPY will continue trading within the range of 149.6 to 148.3. The level of 148.00 may be retested, but only in the short term. The preferred direction is still upward movement.
good luck


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