
USDCHF break through the neck line and daily demand zone long

tradecaesar ที่อัปเดต:   
FX:USDCHF   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / ฟรังก์สวิส
USDCHF break through the neck line and form the daily line demand zone.
So buy limit : 0.9740, stop loss : 0.9720, Profit : 0.9800 Profit loss ratio: 3
Near 0.9800 is the daily supply zone and the resonance zone of bearish bats.
Good luck to traders.If you like my point of view, please like it and pay attention to me.
Not hung up.
The demand zone below has been tested once and the number of outstanding orders has decreased.
When the price tests the demand zone again, it may fall below.
So to be on the safe side, give up low-quality trading opportunities

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