
UsdCad- Great R:R medium term trade

FX:USDCAD   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / ดอลลาร์แคนาดา
Undoubtedly, since mid-March, CAD has dominated the market, and with USD has strengthened more than 2500 pips, reaching a local low at 1.2 at the end of May.
A first leg of correction has followed and a new drop after this.
However, this new drop has found bids in 1.23 zone and we have 2 Doji candles on our weekly chart that can signal a higher low is in place.
I expect a new leg up from UsdCad and the price could reach and test 1.3 resistance.
Such trade can have a 1:5 risk to reward ratio and is negated with a daily close under the last recent low

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