⚠️ USDCAD growth after a false breakout

FOREXCOM:USDCAD   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / ดอลลาร์แคนาดา
The price began to fall from the resistance of the falling channel (June 2020) 1.266.
During the fall, it broke through the resistance line 1.233.
It fixed on it and broke through the border of the channel 1.220.
Now the price has reversed and started to rise, and I expect the test to be false.
I expect the price to be:
1 - will break through the line 1.219 and return to the channel.
2 - will fix on it at the point 1.215.
3 - will rise to resistance.
The goal is 1.230.

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