FX:USDCAD   ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ / ดอลลาร์แคนาดา
It’s a beautiful day, let’s take go good look at USDCAD this opportunity is so clear so basically we are looking to Buy on this analysis, clearly on the 1hour Time frame we have a trend line breakout and we are waiting for a retest confirmation or price retracement back to either 1.37789 which is our 1HR S:1 area or 1.37468 which is our 1HR S:2, and we are expecting price to hit our daily Resistance Zone which is the Tp 1.39771, so let’s wait patiently for price confirmation and also candlestick behavior to occur.
Thanks guys drop a Comment on what you think about USDCAD or my Analysis



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