EIGHTCAP:US30   ดัชนีเฉลี่ยอุตสาหกรรมดาวโจนส์
Hello everyone,


The index price returned to mixed trading without reaching any new positive target, affected by the formation of the 38680 level, a new obstacle to bullish trading.

But repeated stability above the additional stable support at 38545 constitutes an essential factor to stimulate the previously suggested positivity. We expect the price to begin accumulating additional positive momentum to overcome the aforementioned obstacle and reach the main stations currently positioned near 38792and 39092.

What should be noted is that the price’s attempt to sneak below the additional stable support at 38450 may force it to form some bearish corrective waves, and we expect it to incur some losses as it gravitates towards 38370, reaching the main support extending towards 38255.
Expected trading range


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