Back in 2020 we warned about what was really going on in this controlled world and what was coming. Before we get into the depths of this coming wipe out, we look back on the past weeks price action for the Dow and attempt to navigate a likely path for this week.
Anything could happen any day right now, the fragility of these markets is an understatement. We are 100% inside the early stages of a major wave three down of high degree. Orderly selling the past five days and downside breath so negative for most of the week. Friday's early rally was reversed again, folks are getting out.
The first target of 29K ish is fast approaching, it may even get blown away quicker than anticipated. Channels always break either is likely at the bottom, but once broken, it will be so decisively. Then the dam will burst...accompanied by the "news" of why.
Europe is heading into the dark abyss, Germany is ramping up energy bills to levels that will break their economy. Informing their people to conserve power and turn down consumption because those in control prefer economic suicide via sanctions on the fake Russian war and in turn obliterate the gas supply to the industrial capitol of Europe. This madness will see the military on German streets by October. The UK will see domestic power users fleeced with another 100% rise in costs come October, many already in fuel poverty will have their "smart electric meters" switched off should they fail to comply with this latest nail in the coffin.
If folks cannot see that this is a deliberate and totalitarian take down of the system as we know it, then there is no hope left for those individuals. They warned more than 12 months ago of a dark winter coming...before their planned fake war. Prepping and conditioning the masses of their intentions, but still the sheep can't see it.
These wolves in power are hellbent on an absolute reset, drip by drip and are now moving rapidly into the next phase, a collapse of markets and economies. These psychcopaths know that most folks are unaware of the current agenda...sinister is too lame a description. The acceleration of their plans will come about by the flock finally waking up and realising they have been had for many, many years.
Those who are aware and awake, those who stock up on food,water, fuel etc...I commend you for seeing through this charade and preparing in front of this horror show coming.
Any week now the system could go down, grid down, net down, food chain and so on...this is NOT is already happening, our warnings are transpiring into reality. Panic is coming, supermarkets will be emptied within two days once the truth hits.
You have to realise that the old world is not coming back, it's over. There is no "build back better"...that is a government reset agenda. All by design and manufactured in collaboration with all countries.
Last days to prepare, remove excess cash from the banking system before you can't.
We wish our ideas contained a different analysis on what's coming...but that would be a disservice to our good readers, we hope we have assisted you in your trading and awoken you to prepare.
Appreciate a thumbs up...Good Trading & God Bless!