UMAUSD Bearish Divergence

โดย crypto_trends
It looks like UMA has had a great run against BTC as the price has begun to head downward for the latter. I rarely put the "USD" in the title of my posts as rarely is it significant, but I just want to call out a few things about UMA.
1) UMA is trending well against BTC, with a potential to keep up this trend and fall less drastically if BTC continues to drop (I posted about this previously if you are interested about details)
2) UMAUSD did just have a (slight) breakout, so it is possible to still bounce on the trend line (green dashed line) if the persistence continues against BTC (NOTE: They arrows are more an indication and likely drawn too spread out; if BTC falls, it is very likely to drop sooner and more violently in a shorter amount of time)

Either way, UMA looks interestingly to be one of the few cryptocurrencies that seem to have held up against the latest BTC drop (other than DOGE of course, which is quite possibly in its own "bubble" right now). As to whether it continues is anyone's guess, but it looks like one of the potential "underdog" trends to watch for at the very least entertainment value in the short term if the Bitcoin downward trend continues.
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