
[TVIX x VIX] Upside Down-Channel Breakout Continues... Short SPX

Both markets holding right at the primary pre-crash support. Seems it's getting harder and harder for people to short below this level.

Even TVIX dropped to $108 and popped right back up to $120 no problem. Very sticky support.

Still waiting for the pop.

Every day further we get past the down-channel, without falling back below means the odds of a market crash are increasing. If it falls back below, then we must be patient.

Lookout for an uptrend heading back to $150. Maybe have some downside ahead still but very unlikely it'll go lower than $90 before the next crash.

My stop loss is -50% on this trade and I don't anticipate that getting triggered especially with a promising breakout already.

Data analyst with a passion for best fit lines B)



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