
Tron (TRX) Bullish B-886 Pattern, bullish divergeance forming

HD1184K ที่อัปเดต:   
From my last idea, I was the first one to call the Bullish Bat (0.886) and right now it does seem like it was a correct call. As long as we can bounce from either the current level of 540 or the 520 sat level, TRX is looking to be a very strong buy. Make sure to have a stop loss underneath the 524 level however, as a single Bitcoin drop can negate this trade.

524 - 544 satoshis

Sell Targets:
750 satoshis
820 satoshis
Trendline formed from A & C

Stop loss:
Under 520 satoshis. Since this pattern will be invalidated if it drops below.

Time frame:
Likely over a week.

Thanks for viewing! Please support my idea if you agree & leave any comments/criticisms in the box below. The link to my last idea can be found below.
Falling Wedge in 1 hour


If we can get out of 564 and break out of the white line, should be a decent sized green candle.

This can be a good 4 hour trade if anyone is interested
And pretty sure the correlation between alts and bitcoin is caused entirely by bots, since I was at my desk and noticed there was less than a 10 sec delay between bitcoin and alts.

Going to see if we can try again from 524.

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