
TOTAL3 chart "ALTs" shorter time frame look

HustleGrindMomentum ที่อัปเดต:   
CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL3   Crypto Total Market Cap Excluding BTC and ETH, $
TOTAL3 = (Total 3 chart or crypto market cap minus BTC n ETH ie ALTs)

I like how the middle indicator is dragging down that orange line or BTC.Dominance... we need the market to spread money out not HODL it in the main liquidity spots like BTC n BTC backed holdings like stable coins n n in some cases 3 or 4 steps out of crypto exchanges etc.

in short for this TOTAL3 chart we need to smash 420 to 460 could run at least short term if we see this chart break 460s n run to 550s

for that to happen we would need to see_
/BTC 22500 to 2400
/ETH 1660s to 1735
n want to see decisive break
through 1750 at that ie eth the key the gateway, the on n off ramp into the crypto alt game and beyond

/rejections or negative look at these levels singles short term esp.....> G3Ts 0Ut...
I have dry powder some eth n btc n some zks ie my one real alt position im waiting rite now to either cash out/n or short/n/ go for a scalp OR ride to some short term profits.



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