
TNXP - I Wouldn't Buy This With Your Money

dRends35 ที่อัปเดต:   
NASDAQ:TNXP   Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.
Just a quickie.

Don't let me wriggle you out of the jackpot of a lifetime these are just my thoughts.

Same goes for any chart that only goes down, until it goes up.

Not advice.
All this chart does is break down and short squeeze - for years. Its never once been above a significant MA. I'm not saying it won't short squeeze but here's the recent journey to the cliff edge.

Next video Saturday 22 June😼.

Hodlers assume an obvious next wave up but will there be a sting in the tail💀.

Deep analysis - I keep the juicy details for my clients.

Telegram Group: $50 per month 👍🏻.

Contact: t.me/dRends35

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