
How important are these next couple of weeks?

The specter of September is not a distant memory. October is that "scary variable" and we are not out of the woods yet. September's open-to-close was a drop of 40+ points. In a matter of weeks, the SPY could climb back above 400, then the Santa Clause Rally and January Effect could take us right back up and over 450. Of course, this is all wishful thinking and conjecture as we wait for and ponder the effects of the FOMC rate hikes. Add to that macroeconomic factors and variables like world politics and it's easy to see how unpredictable all of this really is.

I'm betting on seasonal patterns and I'm long the NASDAQ and semiconductors. What is happening with 500 stocks? I'm guessing, too. Right or wrong, I don't care (no ego about that) but it would be nice for the US and for the global economy if the S&P 500 begins to rally right here. If not, I don't know where to begin to look for shelter from the potential fallout of further downside.

People smarter than me likely have more insight into what might happen and why, but I like sharing ideas here to see what, if any, response I get. Thanks for your feedback, if you are part of that response!

BDT on 10/23
