Monday: SPY week 15-19 March waiting for 397 to short, no good risk/reward at the moment VIX is going to reach 24 this week too (prb higer) thread 1/many
this week max level is around 397 and is has to test 390 SPY VIX min can be around 19 and has to test 24 Now that you know these trade carefully and with a plan! QQQDIA
Tuesday: Usually when the SPY reaches the highest R Pivot on the first day is followed by an immediate sell off. It has been broken only twice in the past yrs and the next days a 7% drop followed! I said 397 would be max for this week, 390 should be tested before 4000! VIXQQQDIANNQ FOMC!
Basically Oil leads the future of SPY
7-12% drop coming in the futures matter of days 4 TD