
SPX500USD - Plan to reach ATH

Bitduke ที่อัปเดต:   
OANDA:SPX500USD   ดัชนี S&P 500
S&P500 looks nice. After a successful retest of 3200, it continues to rise. And with all this Fed stimulus I think it aimed at 3370 and will get there.

If we get a wick into 3220 - 3250 area (link on 30 Jan 2020) it would be a great entry point.

Hit the "LIKE" button and follow to support, thank you!

Information is just for educational purposes, never financial advice. Always do your own research.
And it happened. I think it just a pullback / support retest and a nice place for longs

and it was a nice pullback, thx for a good entry

Good place to fix some profits, because the price is at the resistance, but I'm going to hold it a little longer

+4%, trade is still active



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