
Elliott Wave Analysis: SP500 Is Nearing 2018 Highs In Gold Price

Hello traders and investors!

Today we will talk about stocks, specifically S&500 against GOLD (SPX/GOLD ratio chart), in which we see an interesting development we want to share.

As you can see, stocks remain in the strong uptrend and there can be room for more gains, we just have to be aware of another, higher degree correction as S&P500 is approaching 2018 highs in gold price, clearly for the 5th wave. We know that after every five waves, a three-wave correction follows, so be aware of limited gains on stocks, while GOLD may find the support soon.

Of course, it's a weekly chart and there's still room for slightly higher levels to break into 2018 highs, so it may take some time before we will see a change in the trend, ideally till the end of summer.

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