TRADERSAI - A.I. Powered Model Trades for MON 09/16 - RESULTS
Results of our models' trading plans, published in the morning, are now available. Anyone can verify/cross-check the triggering of these trades from any source that provides charts.
Medium-Frequency Models: Open short - entered at 3016.0 on Thursday at 3:40pm - is carried to the next session with a 10-point trailing stop anchored at 3000.97.
Aggressive, Intraday Models: Lead to -20.9 index points in losses on three long and three short trades.
For the trade-by-trade details with time stamps, please check out the article below:
IMPORTANT NOTES (NOT your typical fine print, but IMPORTANT and MEANT to DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO): These plans and results are hypothetical and NOT an investment advice to buy or sell any specific securities but are intended to aid – as informational, educational, and research tools – in arriving at your own investment/trading decisions. Please read carefully and understand the full notes and disclosures included in the article.