TVC:SILVER   สัญญาการซื้อขายส่วนต่างแร่เงิน (ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ / ออนซ์)
Hello everyone! I'm excited to say, that my region of interest has been hit! Been waiting for this moment since OCTOBER.

If some of you remember, in my last idea I said - region to consider buy orders are at $16.40-$16.60..

We had very bearish weekly close, so dips lower than 0.618 are possible.. Personally, I think this white zone is ideal for investors and long term traders. In short term we might consolidate before another leg up.

Next monthly supply zone is $21-23$ region.. For large swing traders - $22,54 could be ideal for profit taking. Not ruling out possibility of 1.618 fib being hit, but as we see very often - it might be front-run :)

So far, 2/2 trades were successful on silver! Let's continue this streak.

Check out all previous ideas!

This is not financial advise! Have a great day :)



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