
SO, just BUY now, for an easy 100%?

Ajion ที่อัปเดต:   
BITTREX:SCBTC   Siacoin / Bitcoin
I don;t know about you guys, but i think, this an easy buy.
Way oversold, and can easy spring to life.
Except for BTC, since BTC is a **** and always will be for alts, but that is besides the point lol.

OH and fractal Event happened on SEP 13, so it might be a signal for a reversal!
Stop loss is @76

Active trade.
I am noticing a similar pattern of a-e from late 2017.

We got some resistance @ 150-160 range, but if we get there, it could actually signal a bigger rally to commence.

Good luck everyone ;)

BLUE = Bear/Resistance
Yellow = Bull/ Support

~Explore the chart for possible scenarios of price actions - use zoom and scroll for better view.~
/*This information is not a recommendation to buy or sell. It is to be used for educational purposes only.*/

If you want your coin to be analysed, JUST ask.
If you got a question, ASK away!
And please keep those Stop losses in place!

Fractal dates are moments of interest, where price and time collide to create oscillation.
These fractal events are identified as dotted vertical lines.

Thank you,
we are on the move :)
careful guys we are on the edge of the support line.

Thank you for your support in my efforts to better understand: financial chart behavior and Fractal Universe.


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