Every body think like as follow- Am I right ????????????????????
1- Reliance announced result and we concluded the result is bed or good on base of Media Report . am I right ? 2- Reliance made Life time high and it will reverse any time because Market is also on Top. So If I Not short the Reliance from here than I will miss the Huge Profit trade. Am I Right? 3- Television and other people said that short reliance @ bla bla rate and stoploss will be@ bla bla and target will be @ bla bla. Am I right ? 4- We all are will very convince after the visibility of life time high and go for Short trade. Am I right ? 5- After making huge research i will definitely go for short but I will not put stoploss. 6- I will look at Reliance Rate after making trade if it is in my side than i will book profit below 10-30 Ruppes.- And if it is not in my side than I will wait for some downside moment . Why Because Reliance @ Life time High. Am I right ?
Sorry for above unproductive comments but I would like to draw your attentions which are as follow.
1- After 100 years of study and as the rules of the Technical Analysis that Trend is tend to continue for 1-10 years in any stock or index. 2- We have to follow major trend and we have to be silent if we want to make huge trade while intermediate or minor trend are bearish in Major Bullish trend stock. 3- Reliance started his bullish trend from Jan-2018 today is Oct-2019. So only 1 and Half Year just past after long consolidation of 5 years we can not say Reliance would reverse. 4- As Average study and trend study Reliance cmp is 1394 and it will take first support 1374 ( 28% Retrenchment & 10 Days Moving Average). 5- So Be on long side either above given level or of Retrenchment of Golden Ration which 50-68 Fibonacci there is also strong Average As well. 6- I am not saying that Reliance will never ever be correct but money will be huge in long side trade.
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